What is Lighthouse?

Lighthouse is a children’s teaching ministry that uses many different teaching methods including live-action videos, skits, music, object lessons, and more! Together with the “Splat” curriculum from Bogard Press, an age-appropriate course material, the aim of Lighthouse is to teach children core Biblical principles and values and introduce them to Jesus Christ. The entire purpose is to guide them to become children of God and the disciples God has designed them to be.

Here for the first time?

Welcome to Lighthouse! We want you to know that we are so glad you joined us! Please take a look at the map below. Lighthouse is located in the back left corner of the campus. When you arrive, you are welcome to drop your kids off at the Lighthouse building anytime from 9:45 am to 10:15 am. From 10:15 am - 10:45 am, you can find your student in the education building. You can pick them up when Lighthouse ends at 12:00 pm. For service times, please visit our Services page.

The Lighthouse Vision

If young people are to be the Church of Tomorrow, they need to be instructed in the Gospel and guided toward a personal acceptance of and relationship with, God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son, today! A child’s decision to accept Jesus as their savior is the most important decision they will ever make. Because this is so important, and as much fun as we like to have, our qualified volunteers take teaching and working with your children very seriously. Our mission is to help them understand what they need to do with respect to Jesus Christ. After accepting Jesus Christ as their savior, whenever that occurs, we would love to work with you in surrounding your child with the best environment possible for them to thrive in the Word and work of God. Baptism as well as local church membership, as commanded in the Scriptures, provide the only opportunities for children to grow in grace and love in Christ Jesus. We want them and you to understand fully, all that God has for all of us.

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